✨ Sparkle

We build a better place for the human digital subconscious

Living in an extraordinary and pivotal era today, we witness AI seamlessly integrating into virtually every aspect of our existence. How we interact with the digital world is evolving – from text and voice interfaces to augmented reality and neural interfaces. We're starting to engage with this world in our natural language. The lines between the tangible and the virtual are blurring.

This wondrous realm offers limitless opportunities as well as unprecedented risks. The best course of action we can take is to prepare and adapt. We can embrace this world as part of our reality, enhance our capabilities, and gain superpowers that enrich our lives with more profound meaning and fulfillment.

Just imagine no longer being burdened by the overwhelming information you currently face. You could be productive and punctual effortlessly without needing overtime or enduring stress. You’ll be able to learn what interests you in mere seconds, have instant access to knowledge, and remember everything that matters to you. You will wake up one day to find these superpowers at your disposal. You should know that the path to them starts here and now.

At OctoLab, we are constantly exploring how to harness these boundless possibilities for the betterment of humanity. Our mission is to assist people in achieving their most ambitious goals by incorporating AI into daily life.

Black leather journal with silver steel disc binding resting on wooden shelf with machined steel pen.

✨ Sparkle

How you think

The personal development framework and Personal Knowledge Management platform.

Organize your digital life
The SPARKLE framework builds upon Tiago Forte's PARA method to give you mastery over the relentless tide of information, empowering you to harness and navigate it effectively.
Talk with your knowledge
Engage with your knowledge base as if conversing with a personal mentor intuitively and naturally using chat or voice. Search through meanings, not just keywords.
Unleashing your creativity
Easily capture, enhance, and interlink your thoughts. Elevate them into extraordinary ideas and inspiring work, or seamlessly share these gems with those who matter most.
Private by design
For your privacy, all your notes are stored locally on your computer, and you don't need to be online to work. They are accessible to you and only to you anytime.

Learn more at sparkle.wiki

Black leather journal with silver steel disc binding resting on wooden shelf with machined steel pen.

🤹 Tact

How you act

The next-generation Time Management software and Work-Life Management platform.

Take care of your Time
Gain complete control of your time with ease. Have a clear overview of your activities and analyze how you spend your time to optimize them. Free up time for what matters.
Take care of your Attention
Keep what's crucial always in clear view. Never forget or miss any key event or task vital to you. Calendar, assignments, projects, and communication – all conveniently gathered in one place.
Take care of your Concentration
Access an environment that fosters asynchronous work and helps minimize context disruption. Implement best practices for focused and efficient productivity.
Take care of your Tranquility
Remember to prioritize quality rest. Tact utilizes statistical data to help prevent burnout and highlights moments when your work-life balance is off-kilter. Stay healthy, stay productive.

Learn more at tact.run

Black leather journal with silver steel disc binding resting on wooden shelf with machined steel pen.

🫅 Persona

How you look

The Personal Social Media Management platform.

Showcase your versatility
Distinct and unique profiles can represent every aspect of your life, each reflecting a facet of your personality. Manage and translate them to appropriate social profiles in one place.
Build your digital identity
Train your private AI with your knowledge, behavior, unique style, and personality to use the model to enhance the quality of your posts and create accompanying illustrations automagically.
Take back control of your data
Back up your social media posts, photos, and other digital memories. Choose which information to provide to your various social networks. Migrate the data between them whenever you want.
Grow your relationships
Finally, manage all your personal and professional relationships as a part of your knowledge base. Maintain a detailed record of your interactions, enhancing the quality and depth of communications.

Learn more at jointo.space

Kamil Samigullin profile photo, founder of OctoLab

👨🏻‍💻 Founder

Kamil – Hey there 👋 I’m the founder of OctoLab.

As a founder, my dream has always been to balance cherishing moments with my family and achieve substantial success professionally. This vision led me to conceive LifeOS, a system designed to navigate the complexities of modern life. By creating two products, Sparkle and Tact, I’ve aimed to encapsulate the essence of efficiency and knowledge management. These tools are my commitment to elevating my life and empowering others to do the same, fostering a community where work and personal life can flourish.

Follow me on or join my space

Hand-crafted monthly digests

Every month, I will send you an exceptionally actionable email that helps you grow personally and professionally with LifeOS and AI.

Let yourself be a superhuman